Repairs to Heating System in Rathdowney Church

Published on February 14, 2024

As you will be aware, there was a major breakdown of the Heating System in Rathdowney Church on Christmas Eve last. The sanctuary area was completely flooded on Christmas morning. The cause of the problem was the corrosion of the underground pipe system between the boiler house and the church itself. This is a problem which was probably a few years in the making and as the Insurance Company concluded it was due to ‘wear and tear’ they are not prepared to cover the cost which will be in the region of €22,000. If we pay for this from our current resources, it will leave the account pretty much empty for all the other day to day expenses.
The Parish Finance Committee met last week to discuss the matter and the conclusion was that we should have a once off envelope collection to pay for the Heating Repairs. We have already received a number of donations including one for €500 and another for €300.
This is not an appeal I like having to make but the Parish Finance committee feels it is the best approach at this time. Thanks to some generous legacies which were left to the parish more than fifty years ago most of the capital projects in both Errill and Rathdowney churches in recent generations have been financed without needing to undertake any particular fundraising campaigns.
This once off Envelope Collection will take place next weekend 17th/18th February and we ask that you take home the special envelope provided in the churches. We hope that business’s as well as individual parishioners and families will contribute to this appeal. Envelopes are also available in the Parish Office or alternatively you can choose to donate through the parish website. Where possible please include your name or parish envelope number, however you make your donation. This will allow us to credit you for it and then we can receive the 30% ‘charity tax back’ on your donation.
Thank you for your ongoing support of the Parish.

Fr. Martin